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Open enrollment

Join us to learn more about our unique school.  

Open Enrollment School Day Tours

The principal and leadership team will share short opening remarks followed by a school tour, classroom visits and student presentations.  These are duplicate events; you need only attend one.  

  • Wednesday, November 13th (9:00-11:00)

  • Friday, December 6th (9:00-11:00)

Open Enrollment Evening Open House and Tour

Teachers from different grade levels and contents will present examples of BCSIS’s unique curricular approaches:  arts integration and the integrated day.   There will be short opening remarks by the principal and leadership teams.  Small groups will visit classrooms and there will be plenty of time for questions.  

  • Thursday, December 12th (5:00-7:00)

No reservation required to attend the open enrollment events. Please arrive a few minutes early with your drivers license to be checked in through our security system. 

If you have any questions, please contact our Registrar, Shelley Gale 720-561-6508 or

Interested in taking a closer look at BCSIS? Take a minute to enjoy this video of our unique school! 

Also, please view our BCSIS Virtual Classroom Video

Learn More:

More general information on enrolling your student in BVSD